Meet the Characters
Being Clean is Cool!
ShowerMan is the mightiest, bravest grime fighter on the planet. He won’t stop until every boy and girl knows the importance of cleanliness and good manners.

Enjoy Our Digital Comic Book!
Mother Natures Call: ShowerMan Meets Dr. Dirt is now available for online purchase for just $2.99!
Watch Our Cartoon! Mother Nature's Call: ShowerMan meets Dr. Dirt!

Master Mold the Chemist, and... the Father?
In his lab, Master Mold accidentally managed to conjure up the fun, and loving bumbling germ duo, named Icky and Sticky. It wasn't long before Master Mold had enough of their messing about.

Dr. Ian Dir-taneous and his Ultimate Dirt Eliminator
It wasn't long before the Dr.'s 'Ultimate Dirt Eliminator' turned on him. It didn't help that the Dr. had some dust on his shoulder as he plugged the machine in. Before he knew it, he was sucked in, and later puffed out the other end as who all know now as... Dr. Dirt!

Remember, there are both good, and bad germs... the choice is yours!
Icky and Sticky are still trying to figure out if they want to be good little germs, or bad little germs. The two are sure in for busy days in Skylar City with Dr. Dirt and Master Mold up to no good. Between the positive influences of ShowerMan, Mother Nature and Window Pane, Icky and Sticky are beginning to learn fast which crowd they should be sticking around with.

ShowerMan and His Entourage
Through the eyes of our extraordinarily relatable characters, it is our mission to show everyone that it is 'fun' and 'cool' to be clean!
To assist ShowerMan on his mission to a cleaner future, be sure to wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water, and to brush your teeth twice a day!
Meet the Characters and hear from the Creators
Introducing… The Adventures of ShowerMan →
Have you heard of the latest superhero coming to life near you? His name is ShowerMan; he represents, “all that is good and clean in the world.” The ShowerMan character... -
How Important Is Hygiene To You? →
For many families, health and hygiene are top priorities. For others, it tends to come second to things like; arriving to school on time, being on time for work, and... -
Meet the Mascots: ShowerMan, Icky and Sticky, and Dr. Dirt! →
Our Characters… Each member of the ShowerMan Entourage withholds a unique and relatable trait that sets him or her aside from the other characters. To maximize the personal interaction of...